Tuesday, September 12, 2017

You ONLY get just so many "tomorrows" and "laters"...

You ONLY get just so many "tomorrows" and "laters" in our lives! 

Don't put off the people that need you the most; it isn't just about getting the little things done, the housework can wait but your precious offspring cannot! Help them to achieve whatever it is that makes them truly happy and satisfied within themselves.  Even if it isn't what you or the family thought that they should do.

Once again I ponder on my actions in life.  Regret last a lifetime! I don't want anyone else to ever have to experience the loss of a child/young adult; especially to suicide. I want others to learn from the mistakes that our family made in handling the tender emotions of  one of my sons.

I miss  Tavin so incredibly much;  he is within my heart, mind, and soul daily!      I hope his friends do not and will not; ever forget him. He will always remain so very important to me and so terribly missed by me and our family. 

His siblings and I ache for him every single day. Don't let suicide become any of your family's option! Get help for the whole family, not just the one struggling with these thoughts!

Click here or picture/link to go to YouTube.

Rockin his matrix spike!

Rockin his matrix spike!

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