If you FALL seven times... Get up EIGHT Times! "We Create It All"!

 We must always believe in ourselves! 
Have FAITH that we are here for a reason.
If you fall 5-6-7 times; then you must get up, 6-7-8 times. The falling isn't the only hard part; Not getting back up is another downfall. We mustn't give up on ourselves so easily either. Quitting is easy but ineffective, the hard part is getting back up, and dusting ourselves back off.

I sure hope that I have made sense on some level. I have been through it, on top of it, under it, and face down in "IT". So, I know first hand the trauma and drama that breaks hearts and scatters the pieces. 

But on the other end of "IT" I made lemonade when I was "thrown" lemons.
I just know that we mustn't give up before we see what is around the corner; if we are not here... then how are we to see and appreciate the finer things in life like Love, Family, Friendships, Peace, Love (you must give Love to get Love), and most important is; Faith in your savior, that things will get better... with your help. That's what hurts is not finding these solutions sooner and understanding that... 
"We Create It All"!

So let's create and leave behind a better place then we had found it. Create better and happy humans!
Take care of yourself, your family, and your friends. 
Find your passion and simply GO FOR IT! 

Rockin his matrix spike!

Rockin his matrix spike!

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