If you have children then you know just how very strong this bond is; so hold on to them (but not too tight), teach them well, and let them know each and every day just how very much you love and care about them!
I must warn you the song/video at the end of this entry; is my eldest's sons song. He wrote it, produced it, composed it, sang it and lived it (as well as died). It is extremely sad. It isn't a diary, but it he speaks of many hard truths.
I must warn you the song/video at the end of this entry; is my eldest's sons song. He wrote it, produced it, composed it, sang it and lived it (as well as died). It is extremely sad. It isn't a diary, but it he speaks of many hard truths.
Just because we do not have the same taste in our kids' music, Or you want them to grow up to be _____; it doesn't matter what you want!!! It is our job as parents to support them in their decisions. My son told me exactly what and where I went wrong, I should have been supporting his music. In another song: Talent Gone To Waste. My mistakes may help you with your children, maybe; maybe not.
This was a suicide note [song], that my eldest son wrote, sang, produced and composed.
Click HERE to Listen to my son's "Alone" Song.
I hope to bring more awareness to the serious subject of suicide. I am praying to prevent people from feeling like they have no other alternative. As an attempted suicide survivor and survivor of loss, due to suicide myself; I can tell you that I, unfortunately, have a great deal of knowledge. I feel that it is valuable enough information to pass along to others. I also hope for the best in life for everyone and your families.
You can be the best parent in the world and still lose people to "themselves"; to the demons that cause us to attempt and/or succeed in suicide.
Suicide Sucks!
Mental Illness Sucks!
Please seek help if you are feeling down, there are so many more moments of joy to come.
Please seek help if you are feeling down, there are so many more moments of joy to come.