Mourning this guy for over 12 years. I work and struggle (at times) to keep his memory alive.

Forever Missing and Grieving my eldest Son. Today is Sunday (grandparents day) 12 years ago. Even though tomorrow would actually be the date (September 12th); I am feeling the loss pretty intensely today.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of whom have lost a loved one; especially a child and/or a young adult. Grief, no matter the cause is excruciating and mind-jarring. You find a strength that you didn't even know you had; you have it for when you need it.
You NEVER want to MISS them!
Even if you have had a great relationship, close to them, open and honest, friendly yet with parental pride... you can still lose them to themselves. I need to spread awareness about the stigmatic taboo of suicide. I advocate against suicide because I have lost numerous people... to themselves (suicide). My most traumatic loss has been the loss of my eldest son Tavin; hence the blog title:
Life for me after loss is tremendously painful! I choose to focus on other ways of "living" with my grief. If I go to that place in my brain that just bleeds with a longing to have my son back; I simply DO NOT function very well, as you can imagine or maybe you are going through this same loss. I do have days, weeks, months, and years that are not or have not necessarily been funny or positive as stated above.
So, with that all said, I certainly hope everyone reads and enjoys my writings. My ultimate goal is to help others from feeling like they don't have a choice or think they can't go on after a loss. I will tell you it is excruciatingly difficult. However in time, with mental help and perseverance, you CAN get through it. Or at least function again.
Read More On Another Blog...
There are many different posts, and I hope they help.