Pen To Paper- Stopping Stigmas,
One Word At A Time!
WORDS MATTER; Words are your weapon, use them wisely. One positive word at a time.
Your Children Are So Very Precious; So don't lose them - to themselves!
Words are powerful indeed. Words can sometimes be forgotten, but never can never be unspoken, unheard, or un-do damage caused by the careless use of certain words said! I encourage everyone to stop, think and then speak... speak softly, thoughtfully, and kindly.
Some people try to say things like; "get over it already" or "Life goes on". It amazes me to think at that level. Obviously, I know that life literally goes on. However, I feel like life has ended as I know it because it has.
I also know that these are the extreme versions of what awful words can be spoken by others. Even if you mean well by giving advice; please be careful what and how you say things to others, and be sensitive and kind to all humans.
Some people try to say things like; "get over it already" or "Life goes on". It amazes me to think at that level. Obviously, I know that life literally goes on. However, I feel like life has ended as I know it because it has.
I also know that these are the extreme versions of what awful words can be spoken by others. Even if you mean well by giving advice; please be careful what and how you say things to others, and be sensitive and kind to all humans.
I believe it to be true that we all grieve in our own way, but when it comes to your child [or young adult]; I remain true to my opinion that we as mothers never really "Get Over It"...
...We just have to find a New Normal.
...We just have to find a New Normal.
Loss stops you, drops you, and rolls your life into a new one. A hypothetical mental and physical meltdown occurs; unintentionally, but inevitably with grief, this happens.
At least to me, it did.
The important thing to remember here is that ... I recovered and I wasn't sure whether I was going to or not.
I wanted to feel better, I wasn't trying to remain sad-grief stricken forever. Although the will had to come from inside me.
Everyone grieves at their own levels and amounts of time. Just let it happen (healthily), and don't forget to take care of yourself. This is very important to the healing process! If this little miss sensitive like me did it, anyone can.
I wanted to feel better, I wasn't trying to remain sad-grief stricken forever. Although the will had to come from inside me.
Everyone grieves at their own levels and amounts of time. Just let it happen (healthily), and don't forget to take care of yourself. This is very important to the healing process! If this little miss sensitive like me did it, anyone can.
Hug, love, and communicate with your children -DAILY; like there will be no more days with them [your children].
Because you just don't know when we will lose them; nor to what or who we will lose them to.
And let me tell you this; you can be the best parent in the world and still lose them; to themselves [suicide]!
So, Please Do Not fall into the thinking trap that your child/teenager/young adult "would never do that".
Our children are not quite the same people around us as they are others. Our parents have a sort of "fear factor" about us. Sometimes they just don't want us to be disappointed in them, so they put on an act.
If you don't want to believe that your child/teenager lies to you at least a few times a week or more; they don't believe me... just pay attention to what you might not normally, do so much.
IF I CAN SAVE EVEN ONE PERSON FROM HURTING THEMSELVES, WORDS DO MATTER!So, Please Do Not fall into the thinking trap that your child/teenager/young adult "would never do that".
Our children are not quite the same people around us as they are others. Our parents have a sort of "fear factor" about us. Sometimes they just don't want us to be disappointed in them, so they put on an act.
If you don't want to believe that your child/teenager lies to you at least a few times a week or more; they don't believe me... just pay attention to what you might not normally, do so much.
Please, take a lesson from my misery...
God Bless you and yours.
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