Friday, February 8, 2019

I am just saying...

I'm Just Saying...
Talk with your kids every day.. [Let me say that again] Talk WITH Your kids every day; 
Not AT them. 
Let them have a "word in edgewise". I am just saying, that if you have not thought of your relationship with your "babies"; then you should.
I am not trying to be a know it all, because I'll be the first to tell you that I Do Not Know It All (wish I did, but maybe you can learn from my mistakes).
So, just please take the time to know who THEY ARE and what they want to do with their lives. Support them NO Matter what they come up with. Don't discourage things too quickly, give your opinion with an open mind and keep their feelings in mind.
When it comes to mental illness; it is not a "cut and dry" type of illness, it has many branches and variations. It takes practice, patience, and professionals to overcome.
I am just saying that if you know your offspring are struggling with any problem they need help working through; I would hope that you would be OPEN and understanding enough to help them through it, or informed enough to know when it is more than you can handle and call a professional for advice. 

I say what I say, and share what I share in the hopes of saving a life or two or as many as I possible can!
I am just saying...

Rockin his matrix spike!

Rockin his matrix spike!

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