Sunday, December 10, 2023

Happy Birthday In Heaven, my Son. Suicide is a drastic END to temporary Problems.

Suicide is a drastic END to temporary Problems.        come back to this link.

Suicide is a drastic END to temporary Problems.
My sweet eldest son,  we still miss him every day! He would have been 35 years old as of 1/22/25, his angel-versary date (9-12-2010), is a once-a-year occurrence; however, I feel it every single day!. I continue dealing with grief without him, I am so grateful for at least having him (Tavin) for any amount of time. 
 This is not all about myself, it is about our family and friends, and the people who looked up to him, and still ask "Why?". There isn't always an easy answer or one answer, it is more of an essay-sized answer. Even then, only he knows his true reasons.
This is also my way of helping others learn through the digital media, that suicide is NOT glamorous or a way to be heard. However, it is a drastic end to our temporary problems. 

I hope NO ONE EVER has to go through this kind or any kind of loss when it comes to your children; it cuts much deeper than any other kind. Not to lessen anyone's pain and grief, it just hits differ

To hear his music YouTube

Rockin his matrix spike!

Rockin his matrix spike!

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